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*You’re no longer opening and closing the refrigerator and pantry 20 times feeling so indecisive throughout the day into the evenings.


*You now feel so clear and confident on what’s best to nourish and feed your mind + body.


*Your bloodwork is in the clear! Cortisol and other hormones have lowered to within normal limits.


*You’re walking away from meals feeling more satisfied vs. full and you are noticing fewer food thoughts throughout the day.


*Your decisions seem easier and more manageable, you take action:“I am taking care of me.”“I am prioritizing my mental and physical health.”“I am moving my body more often without overthinking.”


*You feel in control around foods all weekend.


*You are less irritated by your co-workers, family, partner and/or kids, as you now have the tools to respond vs. react!


*Perfectionism Prevents Progress. Our thoughts and emotions need to be aligned to make positive health behavior changes long-term!


You can finally improve your immunity, well-being, and create the behavior changes that you desire without dieting. 


Bonus: You will have access to email me 5 x for feedback and questions after you view each training


Self Paced Classes

  • Class 1: 60 min

    Class 2: 48 min

    Class 3: 64 min

    Class 4: 46 min

    Class 5: 34 min


    Total time: 252 min of valuable content. 

About the course.

Everything you need to know our self paced course!

Class 1

The key to successful, long-term behavior change
Diets: What the diet industry doesn't want us to know
What you learned from past dieting attempts
Three common nutrition health mistakes
Understanding hunger fullness cues
Meal and snack planner with visual guide

Class 2

Challenge the food police

Making peace with food, including food morality

Satisfaction factor

Class 3

Emotional eating (It's not what you think!)

Respect your body
Your relationship with movement

Class 4

Honor your health with gentle nutrition
Elements for successful long-term behavior change
Self-esteem, trust, and confidence
Empowerment vs. Shame

Class 5

Common-core limiting beliefs
Overcoming barriers to change
Your future vision
Progress, Wins, Struggles, Support

Clients' Testimonials & Feedback

AFTER the Create Lasting Change Experience…

“Now I listen to my body, I eat when I am hungry, and I can identify my hunger levels. To avoid feeling overly hungry and bingeing, I eat regularly. I stopped my binge behaviors, too! I learned how to combine foods to feel satisfied and full. I also no longer view foods as good and bad; instead, I focus on healthier choices for a better me.”
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